Water Fun Facts RSS

If one of your New Year's resolutions is to drink more water, but you don't really like water, find out what you can do to stay hydrated. How much water do you need !! Before you decide to drink more water, you have to understand your body’s fluid needs.                               A common recommendation for daily water intake is 64 ounces (1,920 ml), or 8 cups, but this is not based on science. The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) recommends that men consume 125 ounces (3,700 ml) and...

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Overview: Dehydration happens when your body uses or loses more fluid than it takes in, and your body is unable to carry out its usual tasks due to a lack of water and other fluids. You will become dehydrated if you do not restore lost fluids. Anyone can become dehydrated, but young children and the elderly are more vulnerable. Severe diarrhea and vomiting are the most prevalent causes of dehydration in young children. Dehydration is more likely in older persons due to a smaller volume of water in their body, as well as diseases or medications that enhance the risk...

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How much water is in the Human body? Water is indeed essential for all life on, in, and above the Earth. This is important to you because you are made up mostly of water. Find out what water does for the human body. As per the observation, Each day humans must consume a certain amount of water to survive. This varies according to age and gender, and also by where someone lives. It varies from age to age, a child's body has up to 65% of water, Adult Female has up to 55% and an Adult male has 60% of...

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Who are we? The Dr. Hydro brand is a commitment to improving society's overall health and well-being through systematic solutions that are supported by scientific research. On average, Americans consume as little as 2-4 cups ( between 15-39 oz) of water daily and even less depending on an individual's socioeconomic status (CDC, 2016.) We're taking the initiative because this is counterproductive to the long-term health of our children and ourselves. Since our start, we have provided our effective products and constructive information to thousands so that they, too, can improve their daily habits. Adequate water intake is essential from all...

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It seems like you can't go anywhere these days without hearing about the importance of staying hydrated. And, as much as we know we should drink plenty of water, staying on top of it is something that eludes me. It's not that we don't drink water; it's simply that we don't drink almost a gallon a day—we normally drink one 25-ounce bottle. What's the most effective technique to hold yourself accountable? Take the test in the water: We drank one gallon of water every day for 30 days in the hopes of wanting to continue even after the month was...

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