What can cause dehydration?

What can cause dehydration?


  • Dehydration happens when your body uses or loses more fluid than it takes in, and your body is unable to carry out its usual tasks due to a lack of water and other fluids. You will become dehydrated if you do not restore lost fluids.
  • Anyone can become dehydrated, but young children and the elderly are more vulnerable.
  • Severe diarrhea and vomiting are the most prevalent causes of dehydration in young children. Dehydration is more likely in older persons due to a smaller volume of water in their body, as well as diseases or medications that enhance the risk of dehydration.
  • This means that even small ailments in older persons, such as infections of the lungs or bladder, can cause dehydration.
  • Dehydration can strike anyone at any age if they don't drink enough water in hot weather, especially if they're exerting hard.
  • Mild to moderate dehydration can typically be reversed by drinking extra fluids, but severe dehydration requires rapid medical attention.



  • Thirst isn't always a reliable early indicator of the body's need for water. Many people, particularly older adults, don't feel thirsty until they're already dehydrated. That's why it's important to increase water intake during hot weather or when you're ill.
  • The signs and symptoms of dehydration also may differ by age.

 Infant or young child:

  • Dry mouth and tongue

  • No tears when crying

  • No wet diapers for three hours

  • Sunken eyes, cheeks

  • Sunken soft spot on top of the skull

  • Listlessness or irritability



  • Extreme thirst
  • Less frequent urination
  • Dark-colored urine
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion



Sometimes dehydration occurs for simple reasons: You don't drink enough because you're sick or busy, or because you lack access to safe drinking water when you're traveling, hiking, or camping.

Other dehydration causes include:

  • Diarrhea, vomiting. Severe, acute diarrhea, or diarrhea that appears abruptly and violently, can result in a massive loss of water and electrolytes in a short period. You lose much more fluids and minerals if you have both vomiting and diarrhea.


  • Fever. The higher your fever, the more likely you are to become dehydrated. If you have a fever along with diarrhea and vomiting, the situation becomes worse.


  • Excessive sweating. Sweating causes you to lose water. You can become dehydrated if you engage in vigorous activity and do not refill fluids as you go. The amount of perspiration you produce and the amount of fluid you lose increase in hot, humid weather.


  • Increased urination. This may be due to undiagnosed or uncontrolled diabetes. Dehydration can also be caused by certain drugs, such as diuretics and some blood pressure medications, which cause you to urinate more frequently.



To prevent dehydration, drink plenty of fluids and eat foods high in water such as fruits and vegetables. Letting thirst be your guide is an adequate daily guideline for most healthy people. People may need to take in more fluids if they are experiencing conditions such as:

  • Vomiting or diarrhea. Start offering extra water or an oral rehydration solution to your child if he or she is vomiting or has diarrhea at the first sign of illness. Don't put it off any longer. dehydration occurs.



  • Strenuous exercise. It's advisable to begin hydrating the day before a heavy workout. It's a positive sign that you're hydrated if you have a lot of clear, dilute pee. Replace fluids at regular intervals throughout the exercise, and continue to drink water or other fluids after you've completed.
  • Hot or cold weather. In hot or humid conditions, you should drink more water to help lower your body temperature and replace what you lose via sweating. In cold weather, you may need more water to prevent moisture loss from dry air, especially at higher altitudes.
  • Illness. The most prevalent causes of dehydration in older persons are mild diseases including influenza, bronchitis, and bladder infections. When you're not feeling well, make sure to drink enough water.


Last but not least, to avoid dehydration, drink as much water as possible. And that is exactly what Dr.Hydro is trying to raise awareness about among those who are dehydrated.

We have three different styles of water bottles (Gallon Jug, Half Gallon Jug, and 32oz) that can be used for a variety of activities where you need to stay hydrated. Cycling, running, gym activity, walking, hiking, camping, the beach, and a variety of other outdoor and indoor activities are just a few examples.


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